Socorro County

Central New Mexico

Tierra Grande POA info

Rio Grande Estates

Located just north of Highway 60 in the shadows of the Manzano Mountains, Rio Grande Estates is a master-planned subdivision, platted out and pinned back in the 1960's. Sitting just outside Belen and only forty miles south of Albuquerque, this land is perfect for anyone looking to live an "off grid" lifestyle, as Socorro County has no formal zoning ordinance and does not restrict the use of the real property within its county. This fact alone makes the area ideal for anyone with an RV who's looking for land they can vacation to, camp on, or park and live on for lengthy periods of time without being hassled by local officials. This also makes the area fitting for other types of "unconventional" dwellings such as earth ship homes, tiny homes and shipping container homes. Best of all is that because this enitre subdivision was platted into thousands of 1 acre lots, this means the minimum "3/4 of an acre building threshold" will be met by all of the individual lots within this region, allowing owners to both install a well and a conventional septic system on the each piece of land. This will make the cost of building and living in this region far more afforable than what you'd encounter in other subdivisions whose land does not conform to that standard.

All parcels within the Rio Grande Estates subdivison have legal access, as roads and easements were allowed for in the original Plats of the area. Additionally, because this region boasts a largely arid climate, few of the roads have become impassable because of overgrown brush or washed out from rain, meaning that with rare exception, most all of the roads can be driven by any vehcile type. As is to be expected, some areas - particualrly those closer to Highway 60 - are easier to get to than others, and some roads are easier to drive on than others.

Power can be found running the length of Highway 60 and servicing some of the roads and homesites closest to that area. The further north and south you go within the subdivision, the less of a presence those utilities will have, though you will encounter the ocassional homesite being serviced by a power pole and utility box. Because city utilities have not yet been extended into the further parts of the subdivision, solar energy may be a necessary but affordable solution for those electing to live outside the range of local utilities. When the day comes that power lines are extended throughout this area, however, the value of this land will increase immeasurably making this an even better investment.

Socorro County has no formal zoning ordinance, and per their own government website "does not restrict the use of real property" within the county boundaries.

Rio Grande Estates sits just east of the I-25 corridor. From this subdivision, Belen is only ten miles north and Albuquerque only forty miles. The Rio Metro has stops in Belen as well as nearby Los Lunas which may help with commutes back and forth to nearby Albuquerque and as far north as Santa Fe.


Apn# Size +/- Legal Description (Info & pics links) Notes * GPS approx $$$$ (own)
R004161 160 Highland Springs Ranch Lot 3-36 33.778094 , -107.053261 Mountain View Drive 45,000
R004208 35.44 acres Antelope Hills Ranch Lot 102 33.880086 , -107.043486 30,000 napp
R012189 20.03 acres Pinon Springs Ranch Lot 198 34.275633 , -107.404258 Trees Views Power 34,900 anpp
R012139 20.04 Pinon Springs Ranch Lot 152 34.267226 , -107.418559 Ridge View Drive 79,000
R012050 20.04 acres Pinon Springs Ranch Lot 35 34.266738 , -107.367324 Rolling Views Power $24,900 rnpp
R003797 20.14 Rolling Hills Lot 214 33.849314 , -107.110560 Sawmill Canyon road 17,500
R003723 20 Rolling Hills Subdivision Lot 1457 33.855334 , -107.096330 Sawmill Canyon rapp
R038589 7.07 Tierra Grande Unit 5, Block 4, Lot 7 south of Ingresso inside Curve NW: 34.481649 , -106.65428 ; SW@ curve: 34.480375, -106.655331 ; SE: 34.479685 ,-106.653722 10,900 lgs
R038723 5.0 Tierra Grande Unit 5 Block 19, Lot 4 34.498772 , , -106.672580 Graded Rd. Power 22,500 arpp
R038984 10.02 Tierra Grande Unit 10 Block 29 Lot 2 34.428313 , -106.629539 Hiway 60 $16,500
R039073 10.0 Tierra Grande Unit 12 Block 7 Lot 18 34.442624 , -106.551097 2 adjoining parcels 9500 ea
R039074 10.0 Tierra Grande Unit 12 Block 7 Lot 19 34.442502 , -106.553413 2 adjoining parcels ^^ both for 18,000
R039280 5.64 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 5 Lot 1 34.469802 , -106.605699 power at road 9,000
R039322 5.0 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 8 Lot 17 34.477068 , -106.617343 power 1100' 8900 lpp
R039365 6.86 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 11 Lot 9 34.482780 , -106.613752 7500 ipp
R039404 12.13 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 16 Lot 6 34.469516 , -106.597134 power at road 19,900
R039488 6.51 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 23 Lot 6 34.477824 , -106.584938 elev. 5260' 6900 oopp
R039499 5.0 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 26 Lot 7 34.467334 , -106.575044 1 lot from corner power 500' 9500 oppp
R029460 5.0 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 21 Lot 10 34.468229 , -106.583336 power at road 9,000
R041117 5.0 West Belen Grant exterior boundaries Lot 7G 34.536039 , -106.848426 top of escarpment Huge Views 12,500

Rio Grande Estates

Description & info links

Notes * GPS approx $$$
R024560 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 8 Lot 4 34.42764 , -106.75396 Fierro @ Y intersection 3500 np
R024620 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 10 Lot 18 34.425636 , -106.756734 Escajeda St. 1900 rip
R024640 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 11 Lot 8 34.428098 , -106.759259 Carrillo 1900 app
R024765 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 18 Lot 3 34.425607 , -106.763678 Andrade dry wash 1900 rgp
R024793 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 18 Lot 31 34.43576 , -106.75979 Ortega 900 osg
R024852 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 19 Lot 16 34.433417 , -106.755604 Peralta. wet weather creek 1900 rgp
R024856 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 19 Lot 20 34.431980 , -106.753940 Peralta backs to dry wash 2500 roe
R024900 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 20 Lot 11 34.44005 , -106.75784 Nieta 1900 ea. both for $3500rpp
R024901 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 20 Lot 12 34.440044 , -106.757252 off Escobar 1900 ea. both for $3500 rop
R024994 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 8 34.44006 , -106.74938 Nieto 4 adj. lots all 4 rrg
R024995 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 9 34.44009 , -106.74869 Nieto own both sides of Sold together rop
R024996 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 10 34.44008 , -106.74813 Nieto the dry wash & for rpp
R044997 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 11 34.44009 , -106.74754 Nieto the dry wash $9500
R025003 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 17

34.439442 , -106.745734 elev. 4925 adoins

both for agp
R025004 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 25 Lot 18 34.439442 , -106.746327 Chacon adjoins 4500 rrg
R026566 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1, block 1001, Lot 17 Near Hwy. GPS: 34.423793 , -106.736104 $5,500 grg
R028483 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 3, Block 138, Lot 18 34.447997 , -106.712335 2 lots from Garcia.north side of Sandoval 1900 eoa SOLD
R028967 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 3, Block 157, Lot 7 GPS: 34.443007 , -106.706740 $1750 ogg SOLD
R029193 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 4, block 167, Lot 9 GPS: 34.441503 , -106.758055 $2500 oeg
R034599 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 11, Block 404 Lot 3 GPS: 34.492853 , -106.718318 $3500 ong
R030402 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 5, Block 221, Lot 7 34.457935 , -106.725014 adjoins Escobar. Carmen & N. Escobar/Guadelupe $14,900 for all 4 eoa
R030403 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 5, Block 221, Lot 8 34.457948 , -106.724465 $14,900 for all 4 eoa
R030404 1.21 Rio Grande Estates Unit 5, Block 221, Lot 9 NE: 34.458008 , -106.722844 ; NW: 34.458008 , -106.722844 ; SE: 34.457627 , -106.722898 ; SW: 34.457618 , -106.724126 $14,900 for all 4 eoa
R030405 1.31 Rio Grande Estates Unit 5, Block 221, Lot 10 corner lot NE: 34.457621 , -106.722898 ; SE: 34.457183 , -106.722967 ; SW: 34.457183 , -106.724115 ; NW: 34.457183 , -106.724115 $14,900 for all 4 eoa
R032370 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 7, Block 301, Lot 11 34.471171 , -106.713495 2 lots from Garcia southside of Margarita Ave SOLD
R032371 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 7, Block 301, Lot 12 34.471158 , -106.7129 SOLD
R032372 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 7, Block 301, Lot 13 34.471162 , -106.712336 SOLD
R033017 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit8, Block 332A, Lot 14 34.467105 , -106.731741 5 lots west of Cordova. NR both for $3900eoa
R033018 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 8, Block 332A, Lot 15 34.467105 , -106.732309 both $3900 eoa
R033387 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 9, Block 350, Lot, 9 SE: 34.490419 , -106.739949 ; SW: 34.490415 , -106.740539 cow lots both for $6500 lgs
R033388 1.28 Rio Grande Estates Unit 9, Block 350, Lot 10 NE corner lot Paseo del Escardado * Gaspar . NW: 34.490848 , -106.741693 ; SW: 34.490415 , -106.741687 ; SE: 34.490415 , -106.740539 both for $6500 lgs
R033416 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 9, Block 353, Lot 6 NW corner Diego & Barela 34.486129 , -106.738398 2500 lgs
R034620 1.31 Rio Grande Estates Unit 11 Block 406, Lot 5 corner lot. NW corner of Guadelupe/N. Escobar & Francisco NE: 34.489656 , -106.717177 ; SE: 34.489001 , -106.717306 , across from junk $7500 for alllgs
R034621 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 11, Block 406, Lot 6 34.489063 , -106.718325 $7500for all 3 lgs
R034622 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 11, Block 406, Lot 7 SW: 34.488988 , -106.71921 $7500 for all 3 lgs
R037852 .688 Rio Grande Estates Unit 14, Block 1013, Lot 31 all 3 on west side of El Cajon NW corner of Gardenia and El Cajon NE: 34.418786 , -106.740943 $7500 for all 3 lgs
R037853 .688 Rio Grande Estates Unit 14, Block 1013, Lot 32 center: 34.417553, -106.75463 $7500 for all 3 lgs
R037854 .688 Rio Grande Estates Unit 14, Block 1013, Lot 33 corner SE: 34.417128 , -106.754512 2-3 blocks south of Hwy 60 $7500 for all 3 lgs
R038098 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 16, Block 545, Lot 27 6 blocks south of Hwy 60. N. side of Del Mar 34.412909 , -106.704212 4900 lgs
R037027 .688 Rio Grande Estates Unit 15, Unit 1011, Lot 8 North side of Glendora, 1 block south of Hwy 60 $6900 for both lgs
R037027 .688 Rio Grande Estates Unit 15, Unit 1011, Lot 7 center line 34.418786 , -106.740943 $6900 for both lgs

* Socorro County New Mexico Info *


R033610 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 9, Block 362, Lot 23 N. side of Diego 34.486156 , -106.733541 2500 SOLD lgs
R038823 12.07 Tierra Grande Unit 9 Block 9 Lot 13 34.456618 , -106.674486 sold ipp
R038945 10.0 Tierra Grande Unit 10 Block 13 Lot 8 34.459356 , -106.631932 Military road sold lpp
T024567 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 11 Lot 25 34.429092 , -106.758475 Duarte SOLD oep
T024825 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 18 Lot 63 34.427258 , -106.745080 Ortega backs to dry wash SOLD rgp
T024862 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 19 Lot 26 34.429773 , -106.751630 Esquibel near Dry Wash SOLD rrp
T024929 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block21 Lot 6 34.438558 , -106.760817 Maldanado SOLD app
T025135 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 29 Lot30 34.433554 , -106.753442 Gallardo rd SOLD rpp
T025164 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 30 Lot 29 34.432151 , -106.752899 Figueroa SOLD rpp
T025165 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 31 Lot 1 34.431315 , -106.751825 Figueroa SOLD app
T025166 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 31 Lot 2 34.431260 , -106.751058 Figueroa SOLD rgp
T024843 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 19 Lot 7 34.43656 , -106.75943 Peralta SOLD ogp
T024702 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 13 Lot 10 34.42708 , -106.76266 Andrade SOLDgap
T024919 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 20 lot 30 34.439378 , -106.761397 Maldanado SOLD olp
T024982 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 23 Lot 10 34.43519 , -106.75661 Peralta SOLD ogp
T018090 10.11 Ranchos De Veguita Lot 77 34.453087 , -106.767411 Wallner SOLD gepp
T024572 1.0 Rio Grande Estates Unit 1 Block 8 Lot 16 34.427152 , -106.753199 Gallegos SOLD rep
R039086 10.0 Tierra Grande Unit 12 Block 8 Lot 13 34.438538 , -106.447411 off Hiway 60 sold lpp
R039102 10.0 Tierra Grande Unit 12 Block 9 Lot 14 34.434589 , -106.557196 off Hiway 60 sold lpp
R003868 20.00 Rolling Hills Lot 278 UNAVAILABLE 33.814700 , -107.073140 Deer Valley Road UNAVAILABLE 6,900 UNAVAILABLE
R039324 5.93 Tierra Grande Unit 18 Block 8 Lot 20 34.474303 , -106.617042 power at road sold 7,500

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